Illumina Whole Genome Sequencing
The Illumina WGS pipeline is a common workhorse for many downstream applications and is our most popular service. Keeping scaling in mind, our packages are sized per sample and state the minimum total amount of sequencing data produced for each package. All Illumina WGS packages include library prep and sequencing at a price point made possible by multiplexing many samples from multiple orders on shared flowcells. All prepared libraries are indexed with IDT 10 bp UDI indices and later bioinformatically demultiplexed after sequencing.
Our WGS pipeline relies on the Illumina DNA Prep kit, which is flexible enough to accommodate all sizes of genomes. This system performs an unbiased, bead-based tagmentation to consistently produce inserts roughly 280bp in length, which is ideal for the 150bp paired end read output. Crucially, this library preparation kit also enables us to accept a wide range of sample concentrations (~1-500ng) and is tolerant of many sample impurities, with few exceptions. This flexibility allows us to consistently deliver high-quality prepared libraries for a wide range of sample types, though it does require starting dsDNA fragments longer than 400bp for successful preparation. For additional information about concentration requirements and impurities of note, see below.
Packages & Pricing
Sequencing Package (Minimum Read Count Per Sample) |
Price* |
200 Mbp (1.33M Reads) Example uses: Plasmids, viral dsDNA, bacterial genomes <5Mb |
$65.00 |
400 Mbp (2.67M Reads) Example uses: Bacterial genomes >5Mb in size |
$80.00 |
650 Mbp (4.33M Reads) Example uses: Bacterial populations, yeast genomes |
$90.00 |
1 Gbp (6.67M Reads) Example uses: Large yeast genomes, simple metagenomes |
$100.00 |
2 Gbp (13.3M Reads) Example uses: Diverse metagenomes, small algae |
$125.00 |
5 Gbp (33.3M Reads) Example uses: Genomes <150Mbp |
$200.00 |
10 Gbp (66.7M Reads) Example uses: Genomes <320Mbp |
$260.00 |
25 Gbp (167M Reads) Example uses: Genomes <820Mbp |
$350.00 |
50 Gbp (333M Reads) Example uses: Genomes <1.6Gbp |
$350.00 |
Mouse/Human 30x A minimum of 100Gbp of 151bp PE Reads |
$500.00 |
Mouse/Human 60x A minimum of 200Gbp of 151bp PE Reads |
$900.00 |
Sample Format and Shipping
For shipments of less than 48 samples, we recommend sending individual microcentrifuge tubes, labeled with permanent marker to match the order and sealed with parafilm. DNA can be shipped at ambient temperature, though expedited shipping and dry ice can preserve fragment length and total material, which may be preferred for low concentration samples.
For orders over 48 samples, we also accept 96-well PCR plates sealed with a plate seal; we highly recommend shipping 96-well plates on dry ice to reduce the risk of well-to-well contamination.
More shipping information is listed at the end of the ordering process and on our FAQs page.
Submission Considerations
A few factors can hinder a successful Illumina DNA prep or result in less-than-ideal data, namely: low dsDNA concentration, incompatible sample types, and inhibiting impurities.
- dsDNA concentration: The Illumina DNA prep is very successful in sequencing low input samples, but there are a few key factors to take into consideration:
- Accurate measurement: We strongly recommend a dsDNA-specific, dye-based quantification method, such as Qubit or PicoGreen. These provide the most accurate measurement of concentration. Other absorbance-only methods, like Nanodrop, regularly overestimate concentrations (by orders of magnitude), as many artifacts commonly present from DNA extractions absorb at the same wavelength measured, such as all carbohydrates.
- Preserving material: In general, Illumina WGS samples with Qubit concentrations above the requirements can be shipped at ambient temperature, as DNA is slow to degrade. However, we recommend dry ice or cool packs for lower concentration samples or heavily degraded samples to preserve sample integrity as much as possible.
- Correlation to unique reads: The concentration requirements listed are well within a range that will provide ample amounts of unique reads, with few PCR duplicates. The prevalence of PCR duplicate reads increases as concentration decreases.
- Extremely low concentrations: We have some options available for processing very low input samples, though we ask that you contact us before shipping samples to discuss the options. Special handling fees may apply. However, extremely low concentrations (< 1 ng/µL) are unlikely to succeed library prep.
- Incompatible sample type: This pipeline is intended for whole genome samples, which means that other sample types may not be processed as expected. Preparing a sequencing library and submission through our dedicated Illumina Full Flowcell pipeline may be an option.
- Minimum fragment length of 400bp: For tagmentation, the enzymes are spaced on the magnetic beads to force a narrow range of insert sizes but also impose a minimum starting fragment length required.
- Loss of linear ends: Linear fragments will receive little to no coverage of the terminal 50bp on any fragment. For random fragmentation of most genomes, this is not an issue but can be for linearly fragmented genomes or PCR products.
- Implicit fragmentation: All starting material will be fragmented, and any constructs will be broken apart, separating ends.
- Interference from other barcodes, primers, or sequencing adapters: Pre-prepared sequencing libraries are NOT compatible with this pipeline and may result in unsuccessful preparation or demultiplexing errors resulting in missing or contaminated data.
- Other unique considerations: In some very rare instances, highly specific base modifications may not be compatible with the Illumina DNA Prep kit. (Some phage-specific examples have been reviewed.)
- Potential inhibitors: Though the Illumina DNA prep is very robust, there are a few key impurities (sometimes residual from DNA isolation) that can interfere with the enzymes or magnetic beads used in library preparation. While this is not an extensive list, the most common inhibitors that we encounter are listed below.
Potential Inhibitors
Inhibitor | Source | Action | Solution |
EDTA | Commonly used in elution buffers | Can inhibit PCR by depleting Mg2+ ions which are essential cofactors for proper DNA polymerase activity | Dilute EDTA to 10 mM prior to resuspension of DNA |
Phenol | Commonly found in phenol chloroform-based DNA extraction kits | Can denature polymerases | Additional purification or clean-up |
Ethanol | Commonly used during DNA purification | Strong inhibitor of polymerase activity | Allow ethanol to completely evaporate before final elution or resuspension |
Ionic detergents (SDS, sarkosyl, sodium deoxycholate, CTAB) | Commonly used in extraction kits to disrupt cell membranes and denature proteins | Strong inhibitor of polymerase activity | Additional purification or clean-up |
Iron and metallic DNA polymerase inhibitors | Growth media, environment | Interfere with the action of the tagmentation beads or DNA polymerase | Column-based purification |
Additional Resources
- More information about tagmentation, along with links to the specific kit
- Illumina’s support page for the Illumina DNA Prep kit
- An example of base modifications incompatible with standard NGS methods phage studies: Raleigh EA, Weigele P. 2016. Biosynthesis and Function of Modified Bases in Bacteria and Their Viruses. Chem Rev. 116 (20): 12655-12687.
91 43rd Street, Ste. 250
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
(878) 227-4915